Hospital and Medical Facility Donations to Project C.U.R.E.
Think of the good that can be done with your excess supplies and equipment with usable life! Beds and surfaces, ultrasound and imaging, surgical equipment, and more provide the infrastructure for facilities in resource-limited countries. Hospitals and medical facilities provide most of the medical equipment that is donated to Project C.U.R.E. recipients.
Cargo containers are built around the equipment needs of the health system. 30-40% of the volume of each shipment contains durable medical equipment with the balance containing consumable supplies.
Project C.U.R.E. Acceptable Donations
Priority Equipment needed in Bold.
- Alcohol, betadines, surgical scrub: pads, swabs and bottles
- Analyzer, blood and chemistry
- Anesthesia Equipment
- Anesthesia Supplies
- Applicator swabs, tongue blades and cotton balls
- Autoclaves, preferably desktop
- Baby and Birthing Supplies
- Bed linens and towels
- Bedpans and urinals
- Beds and mattresses
- Biopsy needles and kits
- Birthing Beds
- Blood drawing supplies
- Carts and Cabinets
- Casting Supplies
- Chest tubes and drainage kits
- Defibrillators
- Dental supplies and equipment
- Diapers, adult and child
- Drains, surgical
- Drapes, sterile
- Dressings, gauze, sponges, all types
- Ear supplies
- Electrocautery units, pads, pens, tips
- Endotracheal tubes
- Environmental supplies, surface disinfectant*
- Epidural kits and spinal needles
- Exam Tables
- Eye supplies
- Feeding tubes, bags and pumps
- Feminine supplies
- Gloves, exam or surgical, sterile and non-sterile
- Gowns, surgical, patient and isolation
- Gurneys and Stretcher
- Ice and heat packs
- Imaging: C-Arm, X-ray (portable)
- Infant incubators and warmers
- Irrigation tubing and Syringes
- IV Poles
- IV infusion supplies, tubing, catheters, start kits, central lines
- IV Pumps
- Lab supplies, culture tubes (2 years until expiration)
- Laryngoscopes and blades
- Lights, OR and exam
- Mask and surgical goggles
- Mayo and IV stands
- Microscopes, surgical and lab
- Models (surgical) for education
- Monitors patient
- Nasogastric tubes
- Needles, all sizes – sterile
- Ostomy supplies
- Otoscopes/Ophthalmoscopes
- Overbed Tables
- Oxygen and nebulizer supplies
- Oxygen concentrators
- Patient care supplies, toiletries
- Physical therapy equipment, activities of daily living supplies
- Protectors and pads
- Pulse Oximeters
- Rectal supplies
- Refrigerators, Lab and regular
- Scales, Infant and Adult
- Scrubs and lab coats
- Sharps containers, all sizes
- Skin ointments, antibiotic, protective adhesive
- Skin prep kits and scrub brushes
- Sphygmomanometers/BP
- Splints, wraps, Ace-type bandages and braces
- Sterilization tapes, wraps, pouches and indicators and Boxes
- Stethoscopes
- Suction machines
- Suction supplies and equipment
- Surgery packs and supplies
- Surgical caps and shoe covers
- Surgical Instruments
- Sutures and staplers
- Syringes, all sizes, sterile only
- Tables, OR, surgical utility/back and exam
- Thermometers
- Tracheostomy and cricothyroidotomy supplies
- Ultrasounds, diagnostic and therapeutic
- Underpads/Chux
- Urinary catheters, insertion kits and drainage bags
- Ventilators
- Ventilator tubing
- Wheelchairs, manual
Contact us about donating:
How to Donate
Project C.U.R.E. has a network of Distribution Centers in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Nashville, Philadelphia (Mid Atlantic), and Phoenix. In addition, we have collection sites in Michigan; Sarasota, Florida; Harrisburg, PA; and Grand Junction, CO. If you are within 100 miles of any of these locations, please contact the center closest to you. Arrangements will be made to pick up your donation.
Donations outside of these areas, larger donations, or donations from manufacturers, should contact the Director of National Procurement,, 832-677-5175.
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